Need quality difference between hellobox and gx6650s boxes
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:43 pm
There should be a difference Between gx6650 boxes software and hellobox boxes software in terms of quality and value . Hellobox scam + is poor on hellobox and scam + is doing good in gx6605s box using Hellobox software. What's the use of buying hellox at higher price then when gx6650s boxes are available?While hellobox software doing well like gx6650s in terms of scam+, Hellobox needs to improve itself and and add more channel packages when compared to the software for gx6650s boxes.Earlier hellobox was doing good in scam but after hellobox gx6650s software arrived, scam + started freezing. Please make sure hellobox scam + doesn't freeze and does better than gx6605s scam +. Please make a good difference of hellobox compared to other softwares like gx6650s.